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Hacking [ORIGINAL] Injectiine - Wii U Virtual Console Injector



Staff member
Jan 25, 2024
Introducing the world's first functional automatic Wii U VC injector! :yayu:
Injectiine is a Wii U Virtual Console batch injector.

Supported Consoles:
  • Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
  • Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
  • Nintendo 64 (N64)
  • Nintendo DS (NDS)
  • Game Boy Advance (GBA)
If you want to inject Wii/GameCube games, please try out KhaderWelaye's WiiVC Injector.

  • Batch interface
  • Functional VC injectors
  • Multi-line support
  • Custom bootSound support (optional)
  • Custom iconTex support (optional)
  • N64 converter for converting *.n64 and *.v64 ROMs to *.z64 format
  • MetaVerify for verifying converted TGA images
  • snesROMUtil for verifying SNES ROMs and removing headers
  • Option to pack game in either encrypted WUPInstaller format or decrypted Loadiine (GX2) format
  • Option to select SM64 INI, DK64 INI, custom INI or blank INI when injecting N64 games
  • Option to input your own options when using custom N64 INIs (UseTimer, RetraceByVsync, etc.)
  • Option to use INI from Files directory when injecting N64 games
  • Option to define your custom INI/ROM name for N64 injects (e.g. Undop0.599, UNSMJ3.002, UNLEE0.123)
  • Custom GamePad/TV background support for NDS VC
  • Injectable NES Zapper emulation via Wii Remote
  • Option to use decrypted base from Files directory
Other Stuff:
  • Automatically checks for ROM and PNG images on boot
  • You will only need two PNG images and a ROM B-)
  • Supports both *.sfc and *.smc formats
  • You only need to specify the title and common keys once, they are saved as text documents and are automatically loaded the next time you start Injectiine
I do not own any of the tools packaged in this application. They all belong to their respective owners.

:arrow:GitHub Source
:discuss:Announcement Blog Entry


v1.23 (18/12/17)
-Added option to use custom backgrounds for GamePad/TV (NDS only)
-Added custom bootLogoTex support
-Revamped readme.txt

v1.22 (17/12/17)
-Added option to use config .ini from Files directory (N64 only)
-Updated readme.txt

v1.21 (13/12/17)
-Updated Loadiine compiling process
-Added option to use decrypted NES base from Files directory. All consoles available now support offline injection.
-Added Duck Hunt [EUR] as NES base (supports emulation of the NES Zapper via Wii Remote)
-Fixed offline SNES base injection
-Fixed offline NDS base injection
-Added fnr.exe automatic deletion which fixed bug where generated output folder was empty (NDS only)
-Updated readme.txt
-Updated changelog.txt

v1.2 (11/12/17)
-Updated readme.txt
-Added Super Mario Kart [EUR], Earthbound [EUR] and Kirby's Dream Land 3 [EUR] as SNES bases
-Added option to use decrypted SNES base from Files directory
-Added option to use decrypted NDS base from Files directory
-Fixed bugs when compiling game in Loadiine format
-Added Loadiine error when Loadiine (GX2) game package fails
-Fixed missing NDS.bat file, I guess I was in a rush and forgot to pack it in the archive
-Some other bug fixes and tinkings

v1.1 (10/12/17)
-Added working Game Boy Advance support by fixing a meta.xml creation bug which corrupted GBA injects
-Added Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga [EUR] as GBA base
-Added option to use decrypted GBA base from Files directory
-Fixed bug in GBA meta.xml creation which added a space to game name line #1 when using multilines
-Removed corruption warning when starting GBA injector
-Added support for custom bootSounds!
-Added option to pack in either WUPInstaller format or Loadiine (GX2) format
-Renamed About.txt to readme.txt and added changelog text document
-Tinkered About.txt/Readme.txt a little
-Fixed a little bug when Injectiine prompts to use custom INI/ROM name or copy from base (N64 only)
-Removed Tool64 from N64 injector because it is not needed anymore
-Updated shortcut
-Some other bug fixes and tinkings

v1.01 (9/12/17)
-Added N64 converter which automatically converts *.n64 and *.v64 ROMs
-Added option to use decrypted base from Files directory (N64 only)
-Added option to define custom INI/ROM name (N64 only)
-Added UseTimer prompt when defining custom INI options (N64 only)
-Updated About.txt file

v1.0 (8/12/17)
Initial release

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