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Multiplayer + Noise Animations

Multiplayer + Noise Animations
A Mod for Pizza Tower.



multiplayer secret stages working POGO NOISE correctly placed boss camera jetpack noise zooming camera Multiplayer + Noise Animations

Brings back local coop multiplayer and noise sprites

Firstly, I'd like to thank logiepro, and his hard work on getting the Noise's animations working, and he has some words to say to you, the reader.

Hey! Logiepro here again! The PT server died cause of the amass of people here, and we no longer have a spot to share and discuss mods. If you have any interest, go find the Pizza tower mod archives.

"Hey it's me Logiepro, been a while since we update this mod page, so I'm doing that. We found some artists for the sprites we were missing and the feedback was positive, so that was nice. I'm glad all you guys are enjoying our mod and I hope we can make it better from here."

The Multiplayer Mod

This mod is local multiplayer, meaning it runs on one computer only, You can still kinda play it online via steam remote play, using a tool called "remote play whatever" , but you will need to set up steam bindings and play with controller to have the most seamless play, unless you want P2 to get used to wackass controls and have your fingers rubbing against each other. Because it's local, everything is synced, things like enemies killed, boss health, blocks broken, and even the screen you're on is synced. You can grab the other player and fuck with them, like throwing them behind you in a tight race, or into a pit, breaking the game having to restart the level. It's fun I swear.

Things to note

- P2 can recall to P1 by pressing M, this force recall was added after the bindings were made, but I think you can figure out how to bind the M key to select, or the B button yourself. I trust you, go ahead, it's easier than you think, I believe in you.

- You can play as Gustavo if you press up while on the character select screen

- Taunting as Gustavo will bring brick back, this is a workaround to fix the bug of losing brick if the other player hits brick on it's way back.

- Pressing taunt instead of jump on the character select screen will grant pogo noise instead of regular noise

- For player 2 to join, (you can play this mod in single player if you just want the noise to have sprites for everything) press jump twice on the controller with the P2 steam bindings, or press L twice.

- The camera is weird. Currently we have a stretching camera that tries to fit both players on screen, I tried to implement a "fixed" or "locked" camera as an option, but all that did was cause the stretching camera to not glitch around as much anymore. I have no idea why this happened, but it made it a whole lot more playable. Sadly, most videos of the mod was when it glitched around, but it's not like that anymore, but sometimes it's too slow on entering stretch mode, but you can kinda make it stretch by turning when offscreen and don't worry, you won't be recalled after going offscreen anymore. In single player, the camera is normal, and in both modes, boss room cameras are normal

- P2 falling into pits seems to softlock the level, restarting the level will fix it, I suggest having the more experienced player be P2, as they will be less likely to fall down pits. If P2 is about to fall into a pit, press the recall button

- Do not change floors as P2, it'll do the lock opening animation and then he'll just sit there until you go to the menu again

- Entering a level as P2 will not do anything, but if P1 walks near a level after P2 did that, it'll start the level immediately, idk why it does this

- Sometimes Gustavo will become Peppino, just run into a wall and that'll fix it

- Attempting to use gamepad inputs and keyboard inputs at the same time will cause gamepad inputs to be cut off, to fix this, use the steam bindings on controllers, it'll make them send keyboard inputs instead of gamepad inputs, fixing the problem. if P2 wants to use a gamepad and P1 wants to use keyboard, that combo works, as long as P2 has the steam bindings

Special thanks to "FuraPoggersTwo", I don't advocate for piracy, so I won't link the video, but without them, I wouldn't have known that global.coop was a thing.

Just use pizza oven, it's so much easier than patching it manually, but if you do want to patch it manually, or need help getting steam input bindings to work (timestamp 4:18), check the link below.

I (Logiepro) have a Ko-fi if you liked this mod, or just appreciate what I did, or just want to send a buck my way, you can find it here. (Though I understand if you don't with how many times I broke GM2 lol): Ko-fi.com/logiepro
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